Layla Cosmetics è un'azienda italiana nata negli anni '30 con i primi smalti e cresciuta enormemente negli ultimi anni grazie alle tante novità. Ho avuto l'occasione di poter provare alcuni prodotti, primo tra tutti il fondotinta Luce, un "fondotinta illuminante con filler levigante".
Finish E' un fondotinta leggero, dalla coprenza bassa, che grazie alla presenza di microriflessi perlati garantisce un finish lucente e riflettente. Una volta indossato la senzazione a contatto con la pelle è di morbidezza, due to smoothing filler that helps to make it smoother.
Swatch to thank Marguerite Makeupyourmind, girl! to the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking the swatch of products to face this!
Color It 'available in 4 different colors, from light, the No. 01 to the darker, the No. 04. The one I was sent for demonstration purposes is No. 02.
Application Thanks to the consistency smoother and lighter, you can apply this foundation by hand with a brush or sponge, to no avail very different. For those with combination skin should apply a powder in the T-zone, to prevent unsightly areas of lucidity after a few hours.
Price € 16.90 for 25ml, Made in Italy
Deadline 12 months
Availability Online, the site Layla Cosmetics, perfume, or in some Italian!
Packaging Packaging is strong and robust, the bottle is glass and the thick black plastic cap. The application is facilitated by a spatula dosing.
Who would you recommend I recommend it to girls from dry to combination skin who like the idea of \u200b\u200ba foundation and illuminating light, cream colored effect on the face.
Who I do not recommend it to discourage girls from oily skin, therefore needing a totally matte effect and more body and to all those who love the matt in the foundation.
"The products reviewed in this post are gifts received for evaluation purposes. All opinions expressed reflect my honest opinion, the result of my real experience and in no way affected than from receiving"
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